Inaugural Event
5-9 September 2016 | Xi'an, PRC
The 2016 Asian Evaluation Week was held on 5-9 September 2016 in Xi’an, PRC. It was the first event to be held in Asia which allowed the exchange and synthesis of ideas on the latest and practicable thinking on evaluation.
Gathering various countries from Asia and the Pacific; heads of evaluation units of multilateral development banks in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America; heads of evaluation units of UN agencies; and international evaluation experts, this inaugural event was organized in response to the growing attention on the use of evaluation for better results and accountability and aimed at enhancing evidence-based decision making to contribute to the development of Asia.
Early on, the Asian Evaluation Week was expected to be repeated in succeeding years and become an annual event that will bring together evaluation colleagues to discuss the recent trends in evaluation thinking.