By listening to a range of key actors working to strengthen national climate responses (Government decision-makers, evaluators from a range of development banks and agencies), participants will have an understanding of the importance of promoting evaluations to green development policies and practices. They will also identify existing bottlenecks to success and become aware of the steps to be taken by evaluations to promote such greening of development.
Daisuke Horikoshi, Principal Evaluation Officer, IEU, GCF
Sven Harten, Deputy Director, DEval
Anupam Anand, Senior Evaluation Specialist, IEO, GEF
Shimako Takahashi, Evaluation Specialist, IED, ADB
Arjun Prasad Pokharel, Finance Secretary, MoF, Government of Nepal
Suppiramaniam Nanthikesan, Lead Evaluation Officer, IOE, IFAD