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2022 AEW goes hybrid, kicks off today

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Today marks the first day of the 2022 Asian Evaluation Week (AEW), with the onsite venue at the Multi-Function Hall 1 of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Headquarters in Manila, Philippines, while the virtual sessions are streamed via Zoom. 

Here’s what’s in store for today:

Session 1: Emerging from Crisis

The opening session will welcome speakers and participants to the 2022 AEW with opening remarks from the hosts, outlining expectations on topical discussions towards plans for recovery.  [VIEW POSTER]

Session 2:  Ministry of Finance (MOF) Speeches (PRC)

This session will consist of messages from key officials namely Wang Jianfan, Director General of the Budget Department, and Yang Ruijin, Director General of the Bureau of Supervision and Evaluation, Ministry of Finance, PRC.

Session 3: China's fiscal budgeting and evaluation practices for green, inclusive and resilient growth (PRC)

This session will introduce China’s practices in performance evaluation and management system of fiscal policy and projects to facilitate green, inclusive and resilient growth, and promote high-quality transformation and upgrading of the Chinese economy.

Session 4A: The Role of Social Media Data in Post Pandemic Context: A Tool for Transformative Evaluation (IsDB)

In this session, participants will learn the usefulness of social data as a key source of information to prevent future food security crises, Health equipment shortages, and climate related impacts through the development of indexes yielding key variables informing decision-making processes of multilateral organizations and national agencies with substantial lead time.  [VIEW POSTER]

Session 4B: China's fiscal budgeting and evaluation practices for green, inclusive and resilient growth: local government’s experience (PRC)

This session will share Chinese local government’s practices in performance evaluation and management system of fiscal policy and projects to facilitate green, inclusive and resilient growth.

Session 5: Institutionalization of Evaluation at National Level: Strengthening Political, Social and Professional Systems (APEA, GPFE, UNFPA)

In this session, participants will learn the key factors that are important in the institutionalization of evaluation at the national level. They will also learn from the experiences of the panelists.  [VIEW POSTER]

Session 6: Evaluations in time of crisis: what have we learned in the past two years? (EBRD)

In this session, participants will learn about novel evaluation approaches in the current EBRD context of multiple crises (Covid-19 and War on Ukraine and Climate Crisis), and will get prospects of how evaluation may employ new tools and procedures to remain relevant and useful. [VIEW POSTER]

For the complete lineup of speakers for Day 1, check out the session details page under Full Agenda. Follow the hashtag #AsianEvaluationWeek22 on social media to get real-time updates on this year’s event.

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