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Asian Evaluation Week Promotes South–South Knowledge Exchange

2019 Asian Evaluation Week Opening Ceremony

KUNMING, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (2 September 2019) — Quality evaluation of development initiatives and the learning of evaluation lessons are critical to the achievement of Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs), experts at the Asian Evaluation Week (AEW) agreed today.

About 200 government officials, international organizations’ representatives, and evaluation experts from 51 countries are participating in the week-long event, which opened today. The event, jointly sponsored by the Asia–Pacific Finance and Development Institute (AFDI) and the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Independent Evaluation Department (IED)is considered the leading evaluation knowledge-sharing event in the Asia and Pacific regionOver the next 4 days, participants will be discussing various aspects of evaluation and examining how country-level evaluation could benefit and extract from the opportunities at the local and regional levels.

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