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One more day till the 2022 AEW!

2022 AEW Countdown - 1 Day to Go

The 2022 Asian Evaluation Week (AEW) will kick off tomorrow, 13 September, and will run until 15 September. Around 632 participants from 92 countries representing 357 organizations are expected to join the hybrid event which will feature around 70 speakers across 15 sessions.

Every year, the AEW brings together government officials, representatives of international organizations, and evaluation experts who are interested to exchange knowledge, experience and the latest thinking and innovation in evaluation.

This year’s theme is Reframing Evaluation for Green, Inclusive, and Resilient Recovery. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread and with many countries still keeping a cautious outlook in economic development, the 2022 AEW theme sets the tone for forging ahead in a post pandemic world.

At the opening session, Vice Minister Zhu Zhongming of the Ministry of Finance of People’s Republic of China will highlight the important role of AEW as a high-level knowledge sharing and capacity building platform in promoting high quality evaluation in the new development environment. After this, Asian Development Bank’s Managing Director General Woochong Um will discuss ADB’s role as a knowledge bank and how evaluation could help revitalize and combat persistent and growing uncertainties to provide citizens with improved quality of life. Meanwhile, ADB’s Independent Evaluation Department (IED) Director General Emmanuel Jimenez will share how the evaluation discipline can contribute enormously as the “new normal” plays out.

Haven’t signed up for 2022 AEW yet? You may still do so today by following this registration link or by clicking the Register button in our homepage. Make sure to also sign up for the individual sessions that you’re interested in. Check out the detailed agenda for the complete schedule, session descriptions, and list of speakers.

See you at #AsianEvaluationWeek22!

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