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Around 700 participants sign up for the 2022 AEW

2022 AEW Day 1 Graphic Summary

The 2022 Asian Evaluation Week is now in full swing with around 700 participants from 96 countries having signed up for this year’s event. The 2022 AEW kicked off yesterday with an opening session entitled “Emerging from Crisis” graced by Vice-Minister Zhu Zhongming of the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China; Managing Director General Woochong Um of the Asian Development Bank (ADB); and Director General Emmanuel Jimenez of ADB’s Independent Evaluation Department.

Succeeding sessions on Day 1 delved on China's fiscal budgeting and evaluation practices for green, inclusive and resilient growth; the role of social media in post pandemic context; institutionalization of evaluation at the national level; and evaluation lessons from the past two years in the face of Covid-19, the Ukraine war and the climate crisis.

On Day 2 of the 2022 Asian Evaluation Week, participants will gain deeper evaluation insights through sessions that revolve around our three subthemes, namely: Innovating and Retooling Evaluation towards Resilient Recovery, Driving Collective Actions on Country-based Evaluation, and Influential Evidence-based Evaluation for Green, Healthy, and Inclusive Societies.

Below is the lineup of sessions for Day 2 of AEW:

Session 7: Can real time and formative evaluations change development trajectories? (UNDP)

Participants will learn and share challenges and approaches to implementing formative and real time evaluations to ensure Development Agencies adapt policies and approaches take up evaluation recommendations.  [VIEW POSTER]

Session 8: Policy evaluation and indicator system development in China (PRC)

Various policies have played an important role in promoting green, inclusive and resilient growth. Policy evaluation is an important step in the process of policy formulation, operation and management. This session will discuss policy evaluation and the development its indicator system in China from technical perspective.

Session 9: Opportunities for transformational climate action (ADB)

Participants will learn the priorities and evidence of transformational change in investments to support climate action in the Asia and Pacific Region.  [VIEW POSTER]

Session 10: Digital tools to improve farmer resilience to climate shocks: Case studies in India (IFPRI India)

Participants will learn how smartphones and remote sensing are being utilized innovatively to improve the provision of extension, detection of crop damage, and access to financial instruments that reduce smallholder farmers’ vulnerability to climate change.  [VIEW POSTER]

Session 11: Evaluating climate finance – which influence for the institution? (EIB)

The session will share lessons learnt from recent evaluations on climate finance, including innovative instruments developed in support of climate action. It will also discuss how these evaluations informed strategic discussions and decision-making within their respective institutions and beyond.  [VIEW POSTER]

The 2022 AEW will run until tomorrow, 15 September. For the complete lineup of speakers for Days 2 and 3, check out the session details page under Full Agenda. Follow the hashtag #AsianEvaluationWeek22 on social media to get real-time updates on this year’s event and participate in the online conversation.

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