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Parallel Session 15: Leveraging ECD for strengthening transparency and good governance

03:30 pm - 05:00 pm
Meeting Room 4AB

Participants will learn about different ECD initiatives from ADB and DEval. While both institutions support national evaluation capacities, their approaches are quite different and complement each other well. In sum, the session combines sharing knowledge and experience with the aim to start a conversation with participants about potential future collaboration to strengthen ECD in countries across the region.

Lead Presenter: 
Sven Harten, Deputy Director, DEval

Case Study Presenter: 
Sonia Chand Sandhu, Principal Evaluation Specialist, IED, ADB

Chandani Sagarika Bogahawatta, Additional Director General, Department of Project Management and Monitoring, Sri  Lanka 
Sarah Klier, Team Leader, Evaluation Capacity Development, DEval 
Erdenechimeg (Chimgee) Ulziisuren, Founder and President of Mongolian Evaluation Association (MEA)

Sven Harten,  Deputy Director, DEval


Chandani Sagarika Bogahawatta

Additional Director General

Department of Project Management and Monitoring, Sri  Lanka

Erdenechimeg (Chimgee) Ulziisuren

Founder and President

Mongolian Evaluation Association (MEA)

Sarah Klier

Team Leader, Evaluation Capacity Development

German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval)

Sonia Chand Sandhu

Principal Evaluation Specialist, Independent Evaluation Department

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Sven Harten

Deputy Director

German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval)


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