Shared international evaluation norms and standards can create common language and facilitate collaboration – at the same time, evaluation must be locally owned and contextualised to the priorities and needs of local communities.
Ana Erika Lareza, Board Member, APEA
Ahmed Abdelgawad, Evaluation Specialist, Islamic Development Bank (ISDB)
Erdenechimeg (Chimgee) Ulziisuren, Founder & President, Mongolian Evaluation Association (MEA)
Jane Mwangi, Regional Advisor, Evaluation, United Nations Children's Fund East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (UNICEF EAPRO)
Xin Xin Yang, Multi-Country Evaluation Specialist (China, DPRK and Mongolia), UNICEF, China
Megan Kennedy-Chouane, Head of Evaluation Unit, Development Cooperation Directorate, OECD
Note: With simultaneous translation