Chris has worked in the development aid sector for over 25 years. An agricultural economist by training, he is an expert in evaluation methods with extensive experience with project evaluation, poverty research, and working in fragile states. His primary research interests are focused on the application of learning theories to development aid, agriculture value chains, and organizational operations.
Chris has been a Manager in the World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) for the last five years. He is responsible for the Sustainable Development and Infrastructure portfolios. Prior to joining IEG, he was the Director of Evaluation at AusAID (the Australian Government bilateral aid organization) where he was responsible for developing, implementing, and running the agency’s project self-evaluation system and their performance policy.
Chris holds a Ph.D. in Sustainable Futures and Evaluation Research from the University of Technology Sydney and a Masters in Agricultural Development Economics from the University of Melbourne. His interest in evaluation extends to his time living and working in southern Africa where he was involved in development operations in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa.