Participant will gain a) a critical appraisal of the inflation of "innovations" in evaluation; b) learn about some new trends in evaluations by ADB, Deval, GCF, World Bank and others. This relates to new data (geospatial), methods (artificial intelligence, virtual missions), knowledge brokering (evidence gap maps), capacity development (GEI) and addressing cross-cutting topics (climate change / environmental sustainability).
Sven Harten, Deputy Director, German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval)
Patricia Rogers, Former CEO of Better Evaluation and Prof. of Public Sector Evaluation, Independent Consultant
Maya Vijayaraghavan, Principal Evaluation Specialist, IED, ADB
Dugan Fraser, Manager Global Evaluation Initiative, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank (IEG-WB)
Andreas Reumann, Head, Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU), Green Climate Fund (GCF)
Sven Harten, Deputy Director, DEval