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Golam Mortaza

Evaluation Specialist, Independent Evaluation Department
Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
Golam Mortaza

Golam Mortaza is the Evaluation Specialist at the Independent Evaluation Department (IEvD) of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). In this role, Mortaza plays a pivotal role in advancing IsDB’s high-level and thematic evaluations aimed at improving institutional performance. He leads and supports the evaluation of IsDB Group policies, strategies and projects under the guidance of the IEvD Director. Mortaza's focus is on ensuring that evaluations drive continuous improvement and accountability within the bank's operations.​

With over 15 years of professional experience in multilateral development banks (IsDB and Asian Development Bank), Mortaza has held roles in the areas of evaluation, economic analysis, country strategy formulation, country programming and strategic discussion with the Government.​ He holds a master’s degree in economics from Dalhousie University.

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