Participants will gain insights into how institutional mandates are not static but must continually evolve to drive impactful outcomes. This alignment, combined with systematic performance monitoring and data-driven decision-making, promotes accountability and fosters continuous improvement, driving institutional transformation. Participants will discuss their experiences with engagement strategies that effectively identify key institutional challenges, hindering the efficient delivery of institutional mandates. The session will explore how prioritizing specific evaluation areas can lead to more effective organizational changes and sustainable improvements. Participants will gain insights into best practices for implementing evaluation recommendations, ensuring they lead to tangible and impactful organizational transformations.
Keynote Speech:
Emmanuel Y. Jimenez, DG, IED, ADB
Henrique Pissaia De Souza, Senior Evaluation Specialist, Independent Evaluation Office, New Development Bank
Eskender Zeleke, Senior Evaluation Specialist, Complaints-resolution, Evaluation and Integrity Unit, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
Golam Mortaza, Evaluation Specialist, Independent Evaluation Department (IEvD), Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
Nur Abdi, Associate Manager, IEvD, IsDB