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Plenary 1: Progress of China's reform on performance-based budget management and evaluation

09:15 am - 09:45 am
Conrad Ballroom

This session will share latest progress of China's performance-based budget management, and how evaluation can promotes the fiscal management more efficiently in the new situation. 

Xue Wei, Deputy Director General,  Budget Department, MOF, PRC 
Fan Jihong, Deputy Director General, Bureau of Supervision and Evaluation, MOF, PRC

Zhang Gexing, Vice President, SNAI/AFDI

Note: With simultaneous translation


Fan Jihong

Deputy Director General, Bureau of Supervision and Evaluation

Ministry of Finance, People's Republic of China

Xue Wei

Deputy Director General, Budget Department

Ministry of Finance (MOF), People's Republic of China

Zhang Gexing

Vice President

Shanghai National Accounting Institute (SNAI)/Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Institute (AFDI)

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