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Parallel Session 2: Building engaging and inclusive partnerships for ending hunger: Effectiveness of a child development program focusing on the mediating effect of religious belief

11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Pinnacle Rooms 4-6

Participants will become aware of the strengths and weaknesses of partnership development efforts, and gain an understanding of the crucial role that partnerships may play in fostering sustainable and inclusive development.  Participants will learn about examples of successful partnerships and lessons learned. They would also learn that engagement in mutually beneficial and collaborative partnerships is essential to achieve truly inclusive and sustainable growth.

The Case Study on Child Development Program (CDP) by Center for International Development Evaluation (CIDE) would inform participants on the importance of religious belief and collaborative effort of the community in generating positive and significant influence overarching different sectors of child development.

Lead Presenter:  
Serdar Bayryyev, Senior Evaluation Officer, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Case Study Presenter:  
Sukwon Lee, Professor / Executive Director, Seoul National University / Center for International Development Evaluation (SNU-CIDE)

Ivan Scott, Regional Evaluation Officer, Office of Evaluation, FAO 


Ivan Scott

Regional Evaluation Officer, Office of Evaluation

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Serdar Bayryyev

Senior Evaluation Officer

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Sukwon Lee

Professor / Executive Director

Seoul National University / Center for International Development Evaluation (SNU-CIDE)


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