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Erik Bloom

Principal Evaluation Specialist, Independent Evaluation Department (IED)
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Erik Bloom

Erik Bloom is a Principal Specialist in the Independent Evaluation Development of the Asian Development Bank. He is currently leading an evaluation on ADB’s Corporate Strategy—Strategy 2030. This includes analyzing the role of strategies in development institutions as well as ADB’s implementation of the Strategy. 

He previously was the co-team leader of the real-time evaluation of ADB support to countries for COVID-19 and prior to that, he worked on an evaluation on ADB’s use of knowledge in its operations. In 2017 and 2018, he worked in the South Asia Human and Social Development Division, where he worked on investment projects and knowledge work focusing on higher education. 

From 2012 to 2017, he was a member of the human development evaluation team at the World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group.  There, he led a major evaluation on the World Bank Group’s support for higher education and carried out a number of evaluation of World Bank human development projects.  

From 2006 to 2012, he worked in the education sector of the World Bank’s Latin America and from 2000 to 2006, he worked on macroeconomics and human development in the Mekong Region ADB. There he led the design and implementation of health projects in Cambodia and Vietnam as well as knowledge work throughout the region. 

He has published research on school vouchers, health contracting, and the economics of avian influenza. He is also a specialist in economic analysis and value-for-money in the context of international development. 

Bloom has a Ph.D. in Economics from Yale University and B.A. in International Relations and Spanish from U.C. Davis. 

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