The session will draw on findings from a series of recent IEG evaluations that illustrate the challenges in bringing together the producers and consumers of knowledge within the World Bank. The set of evaluations are largely focused on the production of diagnostic and other analytical work that identifies country-level institutional weaknesses (e.g., debt management, public investment management, public financial management, procurement, Debt Sustainability Assessments). While the Bank has generally been good at producing good quality knowledge products that identify systemic weaknesses, the assessments do not always inform operational priorities to the extent one might expect, missing critical opportunities to build resilience and address data and knowledge gaps outside the context of a crisis.
Jeffrey Chelsky, Manager, Economic Management and Country Programs Unit, IEG, WB
Erik Bloom, Principal Evaluation Specialist, IED, ADB
Charanjit Singh, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India
Julian Glucroft, Associate Director, MCC
Tseveengerel Amgalan, Head of Monitoring and Evaluation Department, Authority of Government Supervisory, Mongolia
Mark Sundberg, Chief Economist and and Deputy Vice-President, MCC