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Parallel Session 2 - Catalyzing Progress: Leveraging Concessional Finance for Development in Asia and the Pacific

01:30 pm - 03:00 pm
Junior Ballroom

Attendees of this panel discussion will gain valuable insights into the critical role of concessional finance, particularly through the Asian Development Fund (ADF), in supporting vulnerable Developing Member Countries (DMCs) such as Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations (FCAS) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The session will highlight how grants can catalyze innovative development initiatives and foster sustainable cooperation, focusing on lessons learned from past evaluations, best practices and strategies for long-term development.

Lead Presenter: 
Nassreena Baddiri, Evaluation Specialist, IED, ADB

Wendy Walker, Director, Human and Social Development, Sector Group (SG), ADB 
Erik Aelbers, Principal Planning and Policy Economist, Strategy, Policy, and Partnerships Department (SPD), ADB 
Rosalind McKenzie, Principal Operations Coordination Specialist (Fragile & Conflict-Afflicted Situations), Climate Change and Sustainable Development Department (CCSD), ADB
Made Arya Wijaya, Executive Director, Board of Directors and Vice-Chair of the Development Effectiveness Committee, ADB
Asau Leauma, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Tuvalu

Nassreena Baddiri, Evaluation Specialist, IED, ADB


Asau Leauma

Deputy Secretary

Ministry of Finance, Tuvalu

Erik Aelbers

Principal Planning and Policy Economist, Operations Planning and Coordination Division, Strategy, Policy, and Partnerships Department (SPD)

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Made Arya Wijaya

Executive Director, Board of Directors and Vice-Chair of the Development Effectiveness Committee

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Nassreena Baddiri

Evaluation Specialist, Independent Evaluation Department (IED)

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Rosalind McKenzie

Principal Operations Coordination Specialist (Fragile & Conflict-Afflicted Situations), Climate Change and Sustainable Development Department (CCSD)

Asian Development Bank

Wendy Walker

Director, Human and Social Development, Sector Group (SG)

Asian Development Bank (ADB)


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