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Plenary 2: Evidence Talks with Tim Harford

10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Conrad Ballroom

In Evidence Talks Tim Harford traced the history of evidence-gathering dating it back to Mesopotamia, cradle of one of the world’s earliest civilizations. Later during his fire side chat with ADB Vice President Scott Morris he said, evidence is not enough to ensure learning. On how institutions can learn, respond, and change, Tim quoted from his book “Adapt” where he says that obstacles to learning are “psychological safety” which means, do people feel safe speaking the truth and giving accurate information? Or do they see evidence-gathering as a trap?

Tim Harford, Financial Times Columnist 
Scott Morris, Vice President (East and Southeast Asia, and the Pacific), ADB 
Emmanuel Jimenez, DG, IED, ADB

Meet and greet with Tim


Emmanuel Jimenez

Director General, Independent Evaluation Department

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Scott Morris

Vice President (East and Southeast Asia, and the Pacific)

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Tim Harford

Economist and Author


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