Only one more month to go before the staging of the 2024 Asian Evaluation Week (AEW) which will be held from 2 to 5 September at the Conrad Hotel in Shanghai, People’s Republic of China.
The AEW is the leading evaluation knowledge sharing platform in Asia and the Pacific region. This year’s theme is “Innovations for Influential Evaluation”. The four-day event will feature various sessions that will delve into the following subthemes:
- Navigating Development Impact in the Digital Era
- Leveraging Evaluation for Organizational Transformation
- Evaluation Regional Public Goods for Sustainable Cooperation
Leading this year’s roster of speakers is Mr. Tim Harford, renowned economist and author, with some 150 participants, mainly evaluation experts and development partners, expected to join the event.
Registration for self-funded participants is ongoing. To book a room at the Conrad Hotel, click here.
Find out more about the event by watching this video invite of Emmanuel Jimenez, Director General of Asian Development Bank's Independent Evaluation Department, organizer of AEW.
Follow the hashtags #AsianEvaluationWeek and #AEW2024 in our social media channels for more information on the event in the coming weeks.