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What went down at the 2024 AEW


The 2024 Asian Evaluation Week (AEW) was well attended with over 200 participants and 85 resource persons that took part in the four-day event which was held from 2 to 5 September at the Conrad Hotel in Shanghai.

Now on its 9th year, the 2024 AEW featured a total of 5 plenaries and 18 parallel sessions that revolved around the theme “Innovations for Influential Evaluation”.

Check out the key takeaways by watching the daily recap videos:

For the highlights of the entire event, watch this video:

Recordings of the various sessions can also be found in the respective session pages. To access, go to Session Agenda, select Agenda at a Glance or Full Agenda, then select the desired session. You will find the session recording at the bottom of the session page. Presentation materials are likewise available in the respective session pages, under Resources.

Big thanks to everyone who joined us in Shanghai or followed the event online through our website and social media channels. Hope to see you all at the next AEW!

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