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2023 AEW Watchlist: Accountability Talks on 11 September


What is accountability? We flag off the 2023 Asian Evaluation Week with Accountability Talks, a 60-minute TED style talk on accountability from different perspectives, exploring accountability mechanisms to ensure that governments and international financial institutions (IFIs) are answerable to their authorizing environments and to the people impacted by sustainable development policies.

Presenters are (i) Mark Sundberg, Chief Economist and Deputy Vice President, Department of Policy and Evaluation Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC); (ii) Megan G. Kennedy-Chouane, Head of Evaluation Unit of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD; and (iii) Ravish Kumar, Indian journalist, author and media personality, and recipient of several awards including the Ramon Magsaysay Award for "harnessing journalism to give voice to the voiceless." 

For more details on Accountability Talks, check out the session details page. Recording of the session will be made available in this website.

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