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Eskender Zeleke

Senior Evaluation Specialist, Complaints-resolution, Evaluation and Integrity Unit
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
Eskender Zeleke

Eskender leads the evaluation function within the Compliance Evaluation Integrity Unit (CEIU) at AIIB, under the guidance of the Managing Director. With over two decades of experience in multilateral development banks and the private sector, Eskender plays a pivotal role in advancing AIIB’s evaluation practices, overseeing both sovereign and non-sovereign thematic evaluations and Project Learning Reviews (PLRs).

His extensive career includes significant investment experience with the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Eskender has also held a senior staff position at the World Bank Group’s Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), where he evaluated projects and programs, and assessed risks and impacts for IFC and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). Additionally, his contributions at the African Development Bank focused on operations. A passionate advocate for climate change and sustainability, Eskender was a subject matter expert at IEG, enhancing environmental and social evaluations of IFC and MIGA operations and designing evaluation methodologies.

Certified as a Project Risk Manager, Project Quality Manager, Environmental Auditor, and Digital Transformation Manager in Energy and Utilities, Eskender holds a graduate degree in Economics and is a national of the United States of America. His expertise positions him as a leading figure in advancing sustainable infrastructure development at AIIB.

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