MDBs are transforming. There is a clear commitment to exploring and sharing practices among institutions and to enhance and elevate our dialogue, to discuss methodological changes that could help achieve the joint goals of MDBs and stakeholders. First, participants will learn, through concrete examples and practical experience, about recent trends in evaluation towards a more effective and innovative approach in influencing the organizational transformation of MDBs. This may include evaluation experience in enhancing crises response, supporting country-level collaboration, strengthening co-financing and catalysing private sector engagement. Secondly, participants will have an opportunity to get insights about how evaluation can evolve to better support the MDB efforts to work as a system, including reviewing evaluation tools and approaches, improving cross institutional collaboration among offices and enhancing cross MDB work to harmonize further approaches and techniques (i.e. AI).
Gabriele Fattorelli, Director, Corporate and Thematic Evaluation Division, Independent Evaluation Department (IEvD), EBRD
Emmanuel Jimenez, DG, IED, ADB
Ashwani Muthoo, DG, IEO, NDB
Eskender Zeleke, Senior Evaluation Specialist, Complaints-resolution, Evaluation and Integrity Unit, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
Simona Somma, Evaluation Manager and EKM Unit Coordinator, IEvD-EBRD