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Mak Mony

Director of Planning and Statistics
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forests, Government of Cambodia
Mak Mony

Mak Mony has been the Director at the Department of Planning and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Cambodia since 2014. He is an experienced government officer who has been in the agriculture sector for 30 years. He started as a technical staff of the Department of Animal Health and Production in 1995 and moved to Department of Planning, Statistics, and International Cooperation as Office Chief in 2002 and as Deputy Director in 2009. 

He has been involved in the formulation of Cambodia’s agricultural sector strategies, policies, and short-medium term development plans. He has also coordinated, and performed monitoring and evaluation of agricultural development plans and projects. He has conducted the Inter-Censal Agricultural Survey and Cambodia Agricultural Survey since 2019. 

Mak Mony obtained his Engineering degree in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine in 1994 from Cantho University, Viet Nam, and completed his Master of Natural Resource Management degree in 2014 at the Royal University of Agriculture.

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