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Soomi Ro

Director of Administration
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)
Soomi Ro

Ms. Soomi Ro is the Director of Administration, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP). She has over 20 years of experience in logistics services, procurement, project management and corporate infrastructure support services with the United Nations as well as the private sector.  

Before joining ESCAP, she most recently served as Chief, Technology and Infrastructure Support Services, Procurement Division, Office of Supply Chain Management, Department of Operational Support in New York. Also, she was instrumental and was part of several UNHQ innovation and technology initiatives. 

At ESCAP, Ms. Ro is part of the ESCAP Innovation Team. She has also played an instrumental role in several crisis management projects at an inter-agency level, ranging from emergency procurement support activities in peacekeeping missions as well as COVID-19 global supply chain support.

Ms. Ro holds a Master of Architecture degree in Urban Design and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Architectural Studies from the National University of Singapore, as well as a Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply Advance diploma.

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