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Parallel Session 11: Promoting high-quality development of grassroots healthcare in China: Practices and Evaluation

11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Meeting Room 4AB

This session will share China's practices in improving grassroots healthcare services and innovations in evaluation of grassroots healthcare projects.

Wang Jingbo, Director, Project Fund Supervision and Service Center, National Health Commission (NHC), PRC
Jiang Yunyun, Professor, Peking University, PRC
Hu Ling, President of Grassroots Health Association of Zhejiang Province
Yan Huaren, Deputy Director of Health Commission in Suixi County, Anhui Province, PRC

Qi Xiaohu, Chief Editor, China Financial and Economic News


Hu Ling


Grassroots Health Association of Zhejiang Province, People's Republic of China

Jiang Yunyun


Peking University, People's Republic of China

Qi Xiaohu

Chief Editor

China Financial and Economic News

Wang Jingbo

Director, Project Fund Supervision and Service Center

National Health Commission, People's Republic of China

Yan Huaren

Deputy Director

Health Commission of Suixi County, Anhui Province, People's Republic of China

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