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Sergio Firpo

Secretary, Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies and Economic Affairs, Ministry of Planning and Budget
Government of Brazil
Sergio Firpo

Sergio Firpo is the Secretary for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies and Economic Affairs at the Ministry of Planning and Budget (SMA/MPO) of the Brazilian Federal Government. He holds a bachelor's degree in Economics from UNICAMP (1996), a master's degree in Economics from PUC-Rio (1999), a master's degree in Statistics (2002) and a Ph.D. in Economics (2003) from the University of California at Berkeley. 

He was Assistant Professor in the Economics Departments of the University of British Columbia (2003-2006) and PUC-Rio (2004-2008), and Associate Professor at EESP-FGV (2008-2015). He became Professor of Economics at Insper in 2016.

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