The use of AI can fast track the delivery of the SDGs by providing innovative and efficient solutions to address global challenges. While AI has numerous advantages, it also has significant risks that need to be addressed. Evaluation can play a crucial role in mitigating AI-related risks by providing a framework to assess and validate AI systems. Furthermore, incorporating AI in various stages of an evaluation can revolutionize the evaluation process by enhancing efficiency gains, improve evidence extraction and synthesis, enable real time evaluation by supporting data collection and timely feedback and analysis, and enhance evaluation communication for greater utilization of evaluation. The opportunities in powering evaluation with AI, also come with several risks and pitfalls which should be identified and mitigated. Keeping in mind the various opportunities AI presents for evaluation, as well as the risks, the participants will learn how to leverage AI in evaluation in a balanced way.
Lead Presenter:
Marco Segone, Director, Evaluation Office, United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA)
Uyen Kim Huynh, Innovation Specialist, Evaluation Office, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Martin Prowse, Evaluation Specialist, Green Climate Fund (GCF)
Maya Vijayaraghavan, Principal Evaluation Specialist, Independent Evaluation Department (IED), Asian Development Bank (ADB)