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Parallel Session 17: Leveraging data science to evaluate World Bank's spatial targeting and partnering at the country-level: the case of Nepal

09:00 am - 10:30 am
Meeting Room 4AB

In the lead presentation, participants will first learn how data science can be usefully leveraged to assess the relevance of spatial targeting as well as the ability to partner strategically at the country level, and this use will be demonstrated with the case of IEG’s evaluation on the WBG’s Nepal country program in the last decade. The case of Nepal is especially pertinent since both are important considerations for the country’s development needs. The panel will provide perspectives of their institutions on the benefits and caveats of these methodologies.

Lead Presenters: 
Harsh Anuj,  Data Scientist, IEG, WB 
Rasmus Heltberg, Lead Evaluation Officer, IEG, WB

Maya Vijayaraghavan, Principal Evaluation Specialist, IED, ADB 
Sven Harten, Deputy Director, DEval

Maya Vijayaraghavan, Principal Evaluation Specialist, IED, ADB 


Harsh Anuj

Data Scientist, Independent Evaluation Group (IEG)

World Bank (WB)

Maya Vijayaraghavan

Principal Evaluation Specialist, Independent Evaluation Department

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Rasmus Heltberg

Lead Evaluation Officer, Independent Evaluation Group (IEG)

World Bank

Sven Harten

Deputy Director

German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval)

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