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Parallel Session 7: Evaluations in international development and regional cooperation: practices and innovations

01:30 pm - 03:00 pm
Meeting Room 4AB

This session will share the evaluation of ADB’s support for regional cooperations such as CAREC and GMS, and China’s practices in evaluation of international development cooperations.

Houqi Hong, Senior Evaluation Specialist, IED, ADB
Lu Yang, Professor, Tsinghua University, PRC
Liu Xian, Associate Professor, Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation (CAITEC)

Ye Yu, Deputy Director, Institute for World Economy Studies, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS), PRC

Xianbin Yao, Former Special Senior Advisor to the ADB President, visiting professor at SNAI/AFDI


Houqi Hong

Senior Evaluation Specialist, Independent Evaluation Department

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Liu Xian

Associate Professor

Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation (CAITEC)

Lu Yang


Tsinghua University, People's Republic of China

Xianbin Yao

Former Special Senior Advisor to the ADB President, Visiting Professor

Shanghai National Accounting Institute (SNAI)/Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Institute (AFDI)

Ye Yu

Deputy Director

Institute for World Economy Studies, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS), People's Republic of China

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